Machete Man honored by Atlanta Magazine as a “Groundbreaker”
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Our aim is to save the world's forests beginning with
the urban forest of Atlanta and, through our efforts at education and increasing public awareness of the importance of forests, extending this effort to as many forests as possible throughout the world.
The School is a Non-Profit organization and we are putting as much of our effort as we can into forest conservation and education rather than the development of an incredibly slick Web site (see our ‘Mission Statement'). So, please excuse the “in process” nature of our site, check out the information we have made available to date, and come back and visit us again soon.
If you would like to make a donation or just find out more,
please send us a message at
Or write to:
Deep Forest Field School, Inc.,
459 Sinclair Ave., N.E., Atlanta,
GA 30307-1946, USA
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“When and why did conservation biology become a discipline? - (One) factor has been the extinction crisis. The probable disappearance of the majority of species during the next 50 to 100 years is – or certainly should be – a matter of great concern.”
Michael E. Soule, 1986. Conservation Biology and the Real World. Ch. 1, Conservation Biology: The Science of Scarcity and Diversity, Sinauer Associates, Inc, Sunderland Mass.
“Recent experimental studies on whole ecosystems support what was long suspected: in most cases, the more species living in an ecosystem, the higher its productivity, and the greater its ability to withstand drought and other kinds of environmental stress. Since we depend on an abundance of functioning ecosystems to cleanse our water, enrich our soil, and manufacture the very air we breathe, biodiversity is clearly not an inheritance to be discarded carelessly.”
Edward O. Wilson, 1992.The Diversity of Life. Belknap Press, Boston.“
Despite nearly a century of propaganda, conservation still proceeds at a snail ‘s pace……The usual answer to this dilemma is ‘more conservation education.’ No one will debate this, but is it certain that only the volume of education needs stepping up? Is something lacking in the content as well?”
Aldo Leopold, 1949. A Sand County Almanac with Essays on Conservation from Round River, Oxford University Press, Oxford
Light at the end of the tunnel. Machete Man cut through a thicket of invasive species and cleaned the trees visible in the distance; Fernbank Forest, North-east Atlanta.